Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Dick Cheney - The Official Shit-heel of the United States Government
montage courtesy of atrios
Originally uploaded by jonnybutter.
It's hard to be surprised at anything Cheney says anymore. I thought his recent highly parse-worthy 'vote for us or else' statement was incredibly bad, but this one - utterly tasteless, callous, reptillian - takes the cake, so far; you can't parse it to mean anything other than what is apparent:
"I think some have hoped that if they kept their heads down and stayed out of the line of fire, they wouldn't get hit. I think what happened in Russia now demonstrates pretty conclusively that everybody is a target. That Russia, of course, didn't support us in Iraq, they didn't get involved in sending troops there, they've gotten hit anyway."
It leads me to wonder what Bush would do, if elected, when Cheney blows an o-ring and finally buys the farm; who would replace Dick? Let's see...someone moderate, uncontroversial...someone both parties could agree on...hmmm...I know! If he loses his Senate race, Tom Coburn would be available!
[UPDATE My conscience is telling me that this post is as lizardish as is Cheney himself. I wouldn't laugh, sneer or cheer if Mr Cheney had a fatal heart attack. I, frankly, have been kind of amazed at how routine and unremarkable late night-comedian 'heart attack' jokes about him have been. However, Cheney is not an ordinary person. He's a shockingly powerful one; he makes a decision and other people - often lots of other people - die. In the case of both Bush and Cheney, we're dealing with scary pathologies: lack of conscience, lack of empathy. As actors, I have nothing but contempt for them. As human beings, I don't presume to have them in my 'portfolio'.]